[GeoNode-users] Adding Tabs to Geonode Menu

Julierme Pinheiro juliermeopensourcedeveloper at gmail.com
Fri Apr 13 07:45:13 PDT 2018

Dear Toni Schonbuchner,

greetings from Brazil.

I would like to return here to your explanation in the previous e-mail and
make some questions regarding the different ways to install geonode: 1 -
Install by apt  2 - Install by source / Virtualenv

*1 - Install by apt*

This is way that I am more use to it.

Using this method, if I am not wrong, Geoserver is fired by Tomcat and
Geonode fired by Apache2.  According to this  resource
<https://www.geodatenmanufaktur.de/howtos/geoserver.html> , to get a
geoserver better performance we should grant Tomcat more resources:

sudo vi /etc/default/tomcat7

in JAVA_OPTS you should

   - set a higher value for the maximum heap size (xmx) for example
   -Xmx1024m (depending on the ressources available and the expected load)
   instead of the initial 128.
   - Also you should add the initial heap size parameter (xms) and set it's
   value to the same one as xsx, e.g. -Xms1024m

Next you can set a higher value for maxThreads. A rule of thumb is to set
the value x200 times the number of cores:

sudo vi /etc/tomcat7/server.xml

Add to the <connector> for a server with two cores:


*2 - Install by source / virtualenv*

I just started working in this method in order to work on theming geonode.
The installation seems to be easy too. Following  the installation guide in
here <https://github.com/GeoNode/geonode-project> , I came out with some
questions which I think you answered them in the previous e-mail, but I am
not sure:

1 -  Is *JETTY* the application that fires Geoserver? If so, how can I
grant more performance to Geoserver? Does it work as Tomcat, changing Xmx
and Xms values?

2 -  Is a *Python application* that fires Geonode?

I apologize if my questions are too basic. Having this information will
help me to move on in Geonode projects.

Thank you very much for your patience and time.

I appreciated it

Kind regards

Julierme Pinheiro

2018-04-05 7:12 GMT-03:00 Toni Schönbuchner <toni.schoenbuchner at csgis.de>:

> Dear Julierme,
> I am installing Geonode2.8 in an ubuntu 14.04 LTS machine to create custom
> project.
> I would recommend to use 16.04 which is targeted by geonode 2.8. 16.04 is
> current stable!
> One question I have regarding the tutorial is whether or not I have to
> execute all the steps in:
> * *Using Docker; and*
> **Using a Python virtual environment*
> No need to be confused here. Let me give you a brief overview about the
> most common ways to
> install geonode.
> *1) Install by apt*
> Nice and easy way by use of Debians/Ubuntus package manager.
> *2) Docker*
> Docker is a container service. Very interesting if you use cloud services.
> Have a look at the docker compose files at geonode github.
> If it´s running it´s super easy to spin new environments or throw away
> olds.
> >Docker is „hot" ;) It´s worth to have a look at it.<
> *3) Install by source*
> It´s possible to get geonode running without the full apache and tomcat
> stack.
> The source is then cloned from github. Then Django/geonode is served by
> the
> build in http server (python manage.py runserver 8000), and geoserver via
> jetty if I´m correct.
> This way is also known as "install in dev-mode" ;)
> *4) Install by use of ansible*
> Ansible is a tool to „orchestrate" server structure. We´re using it f.e.
> to update packages
> on a bunch of servers in one shot. Commands are organized in „playbooks“.
> And some nice person created a „playbook“ which installs geonode at a
> given server.
> *5) Vagrant*
> Vagrant can be used to automate the creation of a VM. Let´s say you´re
> using
> virtualbox and the setup steps creating a new vm are time consuming and
> cumbersome.
> With vagrant you would create a vagrantfile which defines the VM of your
> needs, run
> $vagrant up and voilá ! You have a fresh new running VM
> *Virtualenv*
> is used to create a separated python environment. Let´s say you have
> different python projects but all depend on different dependency versions.
> Installing
> packages globally would end in a mess. With virtualenv we can separate
> each project
> and it´s needed python version and it´s dependencies.
> Did I forget something? Hopefully not.
> To come back to your question. I assume your using 1) this means you can
> ignore
> all commands for 2) 3) 4) and 5).
> If you´re stuck with setting up the geonode_project don´t hesitate to ask
> it´s really
> easy.
> Cheers,
> Toni
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> Am 05.04.2018 um 09:51 schrieb Alessio Fabiani <alessio.fabiani at geo-
> solutions.it>:
> Adding to Toni details,
> once you have been able to setup you geonode-project (see the README on
> how to do that), you should be able to add tabs by modifying this file here
> https://github.com/GeoNode/geonode-project/blob/2.8.0/
> project_name/templates/site_base.html
> Just remove the {% comment %} / {% endcomment %} keywrods to enable the
> code and update the <li> accordingly.
> Regards,
> Alessio Fabiani
> ==
> GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
> http://goo.gl/it488V for more information.
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> 2018-04-04 20:49 GMT+02:00 Toni Schönbuchner <toni.schoenbuchner at csgis.de>
> :
>> Hey Julierme,
>> this should be easy. First, don´t change the core !
>> Better use geonode projects to overwrite something.
>> > https://github.com/GeoNode/geonode-project
>> Then the rest should be basic Django.
>> - create your app
>> - create your view
>> - create your template
>> - create your urls.py
>> - add it to your settings file
>> - and add it to project urls.py
>> Your need should be explained in detail here:
>> http://geonode.org/dev-workshop/#/ *
>> * note that you can navigate right and down with arrows in lower right.
>> Best,
>> Toni
>> -----------------------------------------------
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>> Am 04.04.2018 um 19:24 schrieb geonode-users-request at lists.osgeo.org:
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2018 14:20:20 -0300
>> From: Julierme Pinheiro <juliermeopensourcedeveloper at gmail.com>
>> To: geonode-users at lists.osgeo.org
>> Subject: [GeoNode-users] Adding Tabs to Geonode Menu
>> Message-ID:
>> <CAKTKyJLs3QWNzsTe1JQM0j89=efaB+m1+SQSdjFg429JNLE6Mg at mail.gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Hi all,
>> I am trying to add some more menu tabs to Geonode default menu bar (Data,
>> Maps, *Meteorology*, About)  but I have not had any success. I edited the
>> /opt/apps/geonode/geonode/geonode/templates/base.html file, adding the
>> following lines in order to create the *Meteorology* tab with a dropdown
>> list for *Online Radars* link:
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