[GeoNode-users] Authentication problem between Geonode and Geoserver

Joshi, Jigeeshu Jigeeshu.Joshi at ils-forschung.de
Fri Jul 6 05:15:18 PDT 2018

Hi Alessio,

Do you mean Geofence Data Rules ?  There are three option undere Security :

1.       Geofence

2.       Geofence Data Rules

3.       Geofence Admin rules

Geofence data rules looks like one in the image attached.


Von: Alessio Fabiani [mailto:alessio.fabiani at geo-solutions.it]
Gesendet: Freitag, 6. Juli 2018 14:09
An: Joshi, Jigeeshu
Cc: geonode-users
Betreff: Re: [GeoNode-users] Authentication problem between Geonode and Geoserver

It looks like GeoFence rules for Layers have not been created on GeoServer.

1. Check that changing Layer permissions GeoFence Rules are created on GeoServer GeoServer Admin GUI > Security > GeoFence Rules

2. Check that the options


have been correctly set on settings > OGC_SERVER

Il giorno ven 6 lug 2018 alle ore 13:40 Joshi, Jigeeshu <Jigeeshu.Joshi at ils-forschung.de<mailto:Jigeeshu.Joshi at ils-forschung.de>> ha scritto:
Hi ,

I am having trouble understanding the authentication / authorization settings between Geonode and Geoserver. I have a problem that , the layers in Geonode are not available/ visible unless logged into Geosever with user admin. After login to Geoserever as admin, everything works normally.  But, every user does not have Geoserver admin credential so in that case, any user other than admin would not be able to see the layers.
Has anyone come across this problem. Any solution is appreciated. Let me know if I have not made the problem clear.

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