[GeoNode-users] Marine Spatial Planning and Marine Spatial Data Infrastructures

1520 gis juliermeopensourcedeveloper at gmail.com
Wed May 29 14:18:48 PDT 2019

Dear users and developers,

I wonder if there is any task / feature to be implemented in GeoNode
regarding the visualization and sharing of IHO S-57/S100 geospatial data. I
am working on two projects related to MSDI and MSP that require access to
IHO S-57/ S-100 Standards.

Looking at GeoServer website, I do not see any S-57/S-100 vector and output

Are S-57/S-100 data visualization and sharing, carrying IHO Standards for
symbols, on the list of future tasks to be developed in GeoServer/GeoNode?

What about data layers popups? Is there any plan to include data layers
popups over GeoNode?

Does any one have a MSDI/MSP project developed over GeoNode that could
share the project URL, so I can have an idea on how far we can reach using
opensource tools?

Thank you for your time in advance

I am looking forward to meeting you in Viareggio.

Kind regards

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