[GeoNode-users] R: Migrate from Geonode 2.4 to 2.10

Eugenio Trumpy frippe12573 at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 2 07:14:56 PDT 2020

Dear Toni,

thanks for these further hints.
I comment and put the testing results among your lines:

Check which connection is used by Django shell:

# enable your venv
# set your correct settings with DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE

DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=my_geonode.local_settings python manage.py shell
from django import db

...  '/Users/ts/git/gitlabtest/env/src/geonode/geonode/development.db'
^ this shows I'm using sqlite. Namely development.db. I would expect something with postgres here in your case.

If I did correctly I got, I gave: db.utils.settings.DATABASES['default']

I got

{'NAME': 'geonode',

 'USER': 'geonode',

 'PASSWORD': 'geonode',

 'HOST': 'localhost',

 'PORT': 5432,


 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',

 'OPTIONS': {'connect_timeout': 5},



 'TIME_ZONE': None,

 'TEST': {'CHARSET': None, 'COLLATION': None, 'NAME': None, 'MIRROR': None}}

which is the geonode db, and not the one with the data.

I presume this is not correct, I would expect the connection string to the geonode_data database.

I pastebin some my settings.py lines related to the DATABASES: https://pastebin.com/nyiV23gm

If above gives you something with postgres still in terminal let's check which layers your database

yes, if the simple geonode (and not geonode_data) is correct

from geonode.layers.models import Layer
l = Layer.objects.all()
for i in l: print (i.title)

This should give you a listing of all your layer titles.
If not either your layers are not in geonode database found
or your local_setting is using a wrong database connection (which ends f.e in sqlite)

This returns me a lot of layers, all I have actually

I can offer to have a look at your settings but would need:
- screenshot of your oauth2 and rest setting on side of geoserver
- screenshot of your oauth2 settings on side of geonode
- the part from your local_settings for Geoserver endpoints.

* of course as p.m.

Somewhere here I would expect something wrong.

Well, apart last point, I think the problem is still the connection to the geonode_data db.

Thanks for now,
other suggestions?


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