[Geoprisma-dev] Apache gotcha for windows

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Fri Dec 4 11:14:32 EST 2009

Hi List,

I had a problem running CGI scripts (tilecache and featureserver) on
geoprisma.org with "Premature end of scripts" errors.  Turns out I was
(probably) bypassing all settings with this line :

ScriptInterpreterSource registry

which says "use the windows registry to find where Python (and other
scripts) is".  

I had found the info about using that directive here:
http://www.imladris.com/Scripts/PythonForWindows.html, but unfortunately
it looks like it's a bit tricky to use.  Just in case someone else gets
bitten in the arse.  Or someone finds a way to use the directive


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