[Geoprisma-dev] 3

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Fri Dec 11 15:39:12 EST 2009

Hi Alexandre,

What I see in that mockup :

- When ticking "redlining layer", that brings up the list of buttons in
a "sub toolbar"; wouldn't "Activate redlining" be better named "Add
features", with dropdown options for point/line/polygon ?

- I would rename the "Save As KML" button to "Export" with a dropdown of
output possibilities, KML being for now the only available choice;
(eventually WKT, GeoJSON)

- I can see two polygons and a line selected, so I would rename "Polygon
editing" to "Feature editing"

Those are mainly cosmetic issues.

I see two issues that remain to be solved in order to have a thorough
redlining tool (and really, editing tool for that matter) :

- allow dragging of features (not just reshaping); that is the default
for points, but for polygons and lines reshape is the default; we should
have a drop down with a tick box like "edit shape" (reshape mode) or
"move" (drag mode)

- somewhat related to the possibility of moving features around,
snapping should be configurable

Could we make our editfeature widgetry configurable (reshape/drag) and
"snappable" and reuse those in a redlining extension ?  What's peculiar
to redlining really is the option to export the features.  But even that
option could be part of any vector layer really.  

I would even be tempted to rename the "redlining layer" to something
more general.  In MapInfo, they have the "cosmetic layer" IIRC that
plays the same role.  That cosmetic layer could be a location where
people could draw freely and import KML/GeoJSON layers (presumably the
redlining layer of a friend ?).

I think we have a good first iteration in the screenshot you sent us.
Thanx for the work !


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