[Geoprisma-dev] Caching for the Proxy

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Tue Dec 15 13:42:23 EST 2009

> http://www.codeproject.com/KB/recipes/vdiff.aspx
Thanx Stephen.  However Meld is just as good as what you're pointing me
at.  What I was really looking for is software that would *not* require
me to have two files to compare (like Meld and vdiff do), but that would
rather gobble up the patch file (a single diff file as you know) which
is a succession of many diffs and open up all diffed files in their
2-window comparative environment automatically.  That does not seem to
exist and it's a drag for large patches.  

We'd need a parser to isolate all files in the patch and create temp
files with them to shove in a regular diff program, e.g.

Index: src/server/core/org/geoprisma/proxy/tilecache/TileCacheProxy.php
--- src/server/core/org/geoprisma/proxy/tilecache/TileCacheProxy.php	(revision 743)
+++ src/server/core/org/geoprisma/proxy/tilecache/TileCacheProxy.php	(working copy)

Would just make two temp files with revision copy and working copy,
whereas :

Index: samples/proxycaching/simple/sample.php
--- samples/proxycaching/simple/sample.php	(revision 0)
+++ samples/proxycaching/simple/sample.php	(revision 0)

Wouldn't bother to do anything (for the diff viewer) because those files
are not versioned.

Interestingly enough, applying the patch for sample.php (all files in
samples/proxycaching/simple for that matter) in my case resulted in the
body of the file being duplicated because I already had a copy of those
files.  Since the patch for this file only had "+" and no "-", I got the
contents twice.  And the demo wasn't working of course.

Thanx anyhow,


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