[Geoprisma-dev] Caching for the Proxy

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Wed Dec 16 16:35:24 EST 2009

> Weird.  I just triple checked here and I don't have the same behavior. 
> The following should deactivate the cache or TC only, can you confirm 
> please ?
> org_geoprisma_SettingImpl::setTileCacheProxyCaching(false);
> org_geoprisma_SettingImpl::setTileCacheProxyCachingExpires(0);
> //org_geoprisma_SettingImpl::setWMSProxyCaching(false);
> //org_geoprisma_SettingImpl::setWMSProxyCachingExpires(0);
> //org_geoprisma_SettingImpl::setProxyCaching(false);
> //org_geoprisma_SettingImpl::setProxyCachingExpires(0);

I still can't see it.  Things are always cached.  I cleaned the browser
cache, restarted Apache, etc.  Some request headers :

Pragma   no-cache
Cache-Control   no-cache

Response headers show no Pragma, Cache-Control or Expires so I should be
always getting requests ??

There must be some other cache somewhere.  I gather OpenLayers may cache
things on the client ?? Can others test please ?


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