[Geoprisma-dev] XMLMapContextConfig prototype driver

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Thu Dec 24 17:17:21 EST 2009


I think what I was trying to understand is if I have a vector only layer 
that is only in featureserver can I get it as a layer in my map. So it 
sounds like the default behavior is no because other than the map it has 
no widget to pull it into the configuration, but I would still be able 
to add it explicitly to the map as a layer.

I think this addresses my concern that maybe some odd configuration like 
this would prevent one from adding the vector layer to the map if it did 
not have a matching wms service.

The overall design sounds very interesting because you are handling the 
key issues of:

1) more automation by doing the intuitive things
2) reduction of duplication in the XML which is hard to update and 
manage when you have to make changes to it.
3) Lots of overrides to the default behavior to allow users to 
change/control the behavior of the automation

Many thanks again,

Alexandre Dube wrote:
> Hi Steve,
>  If I understand your question well, you want to know if a vector layer 
> object would be automatically created (and added to the map) if you only 
> have a 'featureserver' datastore in the Resource ?
>  I would say : if it doesn't have a widget that use it then 'no', else 
> 'yes' (that fits the current default behavior).
>  The issue here is that the resource wouldn't be added to the map at all 
> and I guess that you would want to have at least a layer to be added to 
> the map even if it would be a 'vector' one with no widget that would 
> interact with it, is that so ?  If so, I guess it would be okay to add 
> it to the map too anyway as a default behavior.
>  So it's a choice.  Since it's only a 'default' behavior, either are 
> fine by me.  What do you think ?
> Kind regards and ho ho hope it helps,
> Alexandre
> Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>> Alexandre,
>> Wow, you have put a lot of work and thought into this proposal. Looks 
>> really great.
>> I have one question about your [1] note. If I have a vector only layer 
>> in featureserver and no wms services for it, will it get configured or 
>> would/could I need to take explicit action to have it configured 
>> appropriately? I guess to some extent you could just say you have to 
>> have a WMS service for each featureserver service, but this seems like 
>> an arbitrary constraint especially if I don't own the featureserver or 
>> proxy request off to another server.
>> Just food for thought. Very nice proposal and a lot of ideas and 
>> information to digest.
>> Merry Christmas to all,
>>   -Steve

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