[Geoprisma-dev] ExtJS bug fixes now costs money

Christoph Baudson christoph at osgeo.org
Mon Nov 2 09:28:12 EST 2009

Daniel Morissette schrieb:
> Yves Moisan wrote:
>> When we were discussing the birth of GeoExt in Cape Town last year,
>> someone in the group (Josh Livni) mentioned he was not too sure about
>> ExtJS.  I'm not sure what he meant, but he had an inclination for
>> jQuery.  Let's discuss that on the GeoExt list if need be.
> I don't know if jQuery would provide all the required features, but an 
> added benefit would be that it also solves the potential issues with 
> ExtJS' GPL licence: jQuery is available under both MIT and GPL 
> licenses at your choice... using MIT fixes the licensing problem.

jQuery itself is a very small library, but there is also jQuery UI [1], 
which contains a lot of widget plugins. But still, ExtJS contains way 
more functionality.

However you can find jQuery plugins for almost all scenarios imaginable, 
but it would be nice to have them bundled (and quality tested), like in 

Mapbender is based on jQuery (since version 2.5), and from version 2.7 
onwards, we will use the jQuery UI library as well.

Licensing was a main issue why we chose jQuery over ExtJS, besides the 
fact that jQuery only costs a few kB.



[1] http://jqueryui.com/

> Daniel

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