[Geoprisma-dev] QueryOnClick - Highlighting WFS.fromWMSLayer

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Fri Nov 6 11:31:19 EST 2009

> New thread should be new message too, I think...

Right.  next time.

> I think we could accomplish the same with FeatureServer since the same 
> logic from "fromWMSLayer" is already existant in GeoPrisma with our 
> multiple DataStores in Resources concept.

Right.  So there would be an option in whatever widget to call FS to get
a pseudo feature highlight if a FS service is available ?

> I would still work with the existing vector layer that uses the same 
> data.  If it's not there, then we should find a way to interact with 
> what we have.
> Or, even better, let's compare with Google Maps.  When searching for 
> "Racine street, Chicoutimi, QC, Canada", it recenters the map on the 
> street without changing the color (makes sens, it's a cached layer) and 
> a simple marker is added.  Simple enough in my opinion.  The minimum 
> should be to have all layers turned to on (displaying the features if 
> it's a vector layer else showing an image) with the Shortcut widget 
> (already the case) 

I guess you are referring to
http://geoprisma.org/samples/shortcut/activateresources/index.php.  I
still think the user should be given the sense of *what* the road he has
just zoomed to is on the map.  

I've seen examples with a bunch of small polygons and, depending on the
zoom level (an option), the one in the center could be a lot of them.
Without at least an option to highlight or mark, just zooming in to a
feature from a shortcut or an InitialView seems to me like unfinished.
It should be clear to a user where to click for a QueryOnClick once he
has zoomed in.

> and the InitialView, no more.
> Query widgets don't move the map, but a marker is still added.  Having 
> the possibility to click on a result to zoom to the queried feature is 
> something else (there's already a jira ticket for this and also a 
> OpenLayers enhancement ticket too)....

Right.  That's a point in itself.  There is a GeoExt widget/example that
does that IIRC.

> Should the query zoom to the extent of all results found too ?  That 
> could be something cool to have as a new option (like the shortcut)...
> What do you think ?

As an option yes.  But I would default to no zoom because the zoomTo
would be a function of tolerance and it could be pretty staggering to go
from zoomLevel 1 to 16 (and then potentially zoom back out again for
another query).  Think of it, it could be a button in resultExtGrid ?


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