[Geoprisma-dev] QueryOnClick - Highlighting WFS.fromWMSLayer

Alexandre Dube adube at mapgears.com
Fri Nov 6 13:38:18 EST 2009

Yves Moisan wrote:
> Right.  So there would be an option in whatever widget to call FS to get
> a pseudo feature highlight if a FS service is available ?

Basically, yes.  A simple OpenLayers SelectFeature control should do the 
trick.  My first thought would be to keep this kind of feature inside 
each widget (even if that means duplicating code / functionalities), 
i.e. one SelectFeature control / widget that wants to do this feature.

My point : if, instead, we create one single SelectFeature control for 
all GeoPrisma widgets, we become dependent of it, pretty much like an 
API.  IMHO, we want to avoid the use of an API and keep it simple, so 
developing independent widgets should be better...

> I guess you are referring to
> http://geoprisma.org/samples/shortcut/activateresources/index.php.  I
> still think the user should be given the sense of *what* the road he has
> just zoomed to is on the map.  
> I've seen examples with a bunch of small polygons and, depending on the
> zoom level (an option), the one in the center could be a lot of them.
> Without at least an option to highlight or mark, just zooming in to a
> feature from a shortcut or an InitialView seems to me like unfinished.

I get your point.  So, the behavior could be : if there's a vector 
layer, select the "zoomed/recentered/queried" feature, else put at least 
a marker

>> Should the query zoom to the extent of all results found too ?  That 
>> could be something cool to have as a new option (like the shortcut)...
>> What do you think ?
> As an option yes.  But I would default to no zoom because the zoomTo
> would be a function of tolerance and it could be pretty staggering to go
> from zoomLevel 1 to 16 (and then potentially zoom back out again for
> another query).  Think of it, it could be a button in resultExtGrid ?

OK.  As soon as the trac's ready, I'll open a ticket for these features.

> Yves


Alexandre Dubé

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