[Geoprisma-dev] Access control docs

Julien-Samuel Lacroix jlacroix at mapgears.com
Tue Nov 10 12:00:38 EST 2009


Yves Moisan wrote:
> I think the most likely use case will be a web developer who has never
> had to bother setting up a security environment.  The learning curve may
> be steep here.  What does that developer need to know to easily test
> security (e.g. with an XML file) ? 

I there's a lot to do before having a good doc/tutorial that demonstrate 
that. Let's begin small by having a few samples showing the Access 
Control in action then we'll do some doc and then tutorials to integrate 
the BD instead of the XML.

 From my experience that worst when setuping GeoPrisma is to correctly 
define all Resources and assigning them to the right user. Maybe 
François-Luc can share his experience as he is the perfect case of: You 
know nothing about webmapping and you are dropped in GeoPrisma.



Julien-Samuel Lacroix

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