[Geoprisma-dev] #9250 (Add jQuery Tools to base install) – Plone

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Wed Nov 11 15:14:05 EST 2009

> You're absolutely about that.  The website geoprisma.org doesn't really 
> need something as big as ExtJS since it's just a website and not an 
> "application".  Some work could be done to change the JS library of 
> geoprisma.org to something lighter, such as jQuery Tools.

If you have suggestions, I'm all ears.  The current set up is a bit
tricky to move as some ExtJS components get their data from php scripts
that generate JSON dynamically so I wouldn't move quickly on that for
>   But, in the end, I still think that GeoPrisma (itself) is destined to 
> be more "application-like" and gain a lot fo benefits to use what's 
> already existent (GeoExt / MapFish ==> ExtJS).

I agree.  Maybe we could be closer to the web, but the current stack is
definitely there to stay for a while.


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