[Geoprisma-dev] Proposed change in workspaces

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Wed Nov 25 19:23:07 EST 2009

Hi All,

I found out today that for one installation we have I need to specify a
different map object within the same configuration file.  The topic was
raised a few times on the list before, but now I need to get something
working, so here's what we set out to do.  I'm checking base with the
list now even though there are some bits that don't quite work yet, but
everything should be ok tomorrow.

In a nutshell, here's what the proposed changes bring about :

- multiple map objects; referenced by name in the workspace; 
- multiple mapfishlayertrees; referenced by name in the workspace; 
- multiple layout objects; referenced by name in the workspace; 

What this means in the config is the following :


So the mapfishlayertree that used to be included as a widget of one of
the resources now gets included as a workspace object.  A layout and a
map also become "root" workspace objects allowing to use maps with
different projections, extent, etc and new layouts in the same
configuration file.  For us, and I suspect for many GeoPrisma users,
this would make GP much more agile, although potentially a bit complex
as far as configuration is concerned.  

Two issues we found : 

1) the map object has to be force renamed "DefaultMap";  
2) a mapfishlayertree and a map object must correspond, but I think
that's a fair assumption 

I'm working on the XMLWorkspaceConfig sample at
http://geoprisma.org/samples/workspace/select_workspace.php.  I would
soon update it with a third workspace allowing for a different map,
layertree and template (layout) if people thought this is a good idea.

Comments welcome.


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