[Geoprisma-dev] Proposed change in workspaces

Alexandre Dube adube at mapgears.com
Thu Nov 26 09:13:46 EST 2009


  How about :


A workspace always has one layout, but could have many maps.  Each map 
is refered to the "map" widget, it options could be redefined in 
<options>.  To it is attached all the resources we want with all their 
widgets, including the MapFishLayerTree (that is a widget also anyway so 
it doesn't need to be treated differently).

The <map> node is our 'core' node in this structure.  That's already the 
case in all printWidgetExecution xsl:templates, where we use <pMapName> 
everywhere to get the map object linked to the widget.

What do you think ?


Yves Moisan wrote:
> Hi All,
> I found out today that for one installation we have I need to specify a
> different map object within the same configuration file.  The topic was
> raised a few times on the list before, but now I need to get something
> working, so here's what we set out to do.  I'm checking base with the
> list now even though there are some bits that don't quite work yet, but
> everything should be ok tomorrow.
> In a nutshell, here's what the proposed changes bring about :
> - multiple map objects; referenced by name in the workspace; 
> - multiple mapfishlayertrees; referenced by name in the workspace; 
> - multiple layout objects; referenced by name in the workspace; 
> What this means in the config is the following :
> <workspace>
>    <name>workspace3</name>
>    <layout>workspacelayout</layout>
>    <map>DefaultMap2</map>
>    <mapfishlayertree>LegendDemo2</mapfishlayertree>
>        <resources>
>           <resource>
>               <name>ResourceVMap0</name>
>                  <widgets>            
>                      <!--widget>LegendDemo2</widget--> 
> ...
> So the mapfishlayertree that used to be included as a widget of one of
> the resources now gets included as a workspace object.  A layout and a
> map also become "root" workspace objects allowing to use maps with
> different projections, extent, etc and new layouts in the same
> configuration file.  For us, and I suspect for many GeoPrisma users,
> this would make GP much more agile, although potentially a bit complex
> as far as configuration is concerned.  
> Two issues we found : 
> 1) the map object has to be force renamed "DefaultMap";  
> 2) a mapfishlayertree and a map object must correspond, but I think
> that's a fair assumption 
> I'm working on the XMLWorkspaceConfig sample at
> http://geoprisma.org/samples/workspace/select_workspace.php.  I would
> soon update it with a third workspace allowing for a different map,
> layertree and template (layout) if people thought this is a good idea.
> Comments welcome.
> Yves
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Alexandre Dubé

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