[Geoprisma-dev] Tutorial - How to create a GeoPrisma project

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Mon Nov 30 20:48:31 EST 2009


Regarding your ideas for easing the creation of maps, I would be 
interested in hearing about your thoughts on that. I'm assuming that you 
have had some off list discussions with the dev team. Where does 
GeoPrisma hang out on IRC?

I'm making pretty good progress with the perl script to generate 
config.xml by reading the table/column structure from postgis.

o datastores are all being generated
o resources without widgets is being generated
o should be able to have the editfeature_* widgets for each layer 
generating shortly
o featurepanel_form looks straight forward to generate for each layer
o mapfishlayertree looks straight forward

I think the big problem will be generating the stylemaps for all the 
layers and the classes within the layers. I might try reading the 
mapfile and see if I can generate simple stylemaps for the layers from that.

But basically I'm taking a fixed layout and widget set and only 
automating the datastore integration with that. This also implies the 
dynamic creation of editfeature widgets for all the layers.


Yves Moisan wrote:
> Stephen,
> Please forgive a quick top-post, but I wanted to thank you for hanging
> on there as a dedicated docs/code commenter and also to let you know
> we're still brewing some ideas to ease the creation of maps by an order
> of magnitude or so we hope!  However, expect another change in the docs,
> for the better (and hopefully I'll then do my share of docs; me ducks).
> Yves
>> Yves Moisan wrote:
>>> L
>>>> Given enough time and money, then sure, we should add a set of more 
>>>> hands-on exercise to complement this more abstract tutorial. The 
>>>> MapServer tutorial is a good example of what we could aim for: 
>>>> http://biometry.gis.umn.edu/tutorial/sections.html
>>>> However, until the resources are available to produce this level of docs 
>>>>   I consider that what you've got is a great start.
>>>> Thanks for you work on this Alexandre.
>>> Agreed !  Thanx for doing that work.
>> Since I raised the question, I would like to give my thanks to Alexandre 
>> also. The Tutorial has improved significantly since I first looked at it.
>> Since I'm new to GeoPrisma and this is my first time through the 
>> tutorial and the fact that I know a lot about the related technologies, 
>> I thought it might prove useful with regards to ways to improve the 
>> "newbie" experience with GeoPrisma. I'll continue to report issues and 
>> successes with the hope that they might prove useful to the team and/or 
>> users in the future that might be searching the archives.
>> So, Alexandre, in case it was not obvious in my flood of issues to the 
>> list, you are doing a great job and I appreciate the tutorial and your 
>> support on and off the list.
>> -Steve W

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