[Geoprisma-dev] Tutorial - How to create a GeoPrisma project

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Mon Nov 30 18:01:24 EST 2009

Yves Moisan wrote:
> Stephen,
> Please forgive a quick top-post, but I wanted to thank you for hanging
> on there as a dedicated docs/code commenter and also to let you know
> we're still brewing some ideas to ease the creation of maps by an order
> of magnitude or so we hope!  However, expect another change in the docs,
> for the better (and hopefully I'll then do my share of docs; me ducks).

Speaking of easier ways to build the maps. I am throwing together some 
perl code to help do that right now.

So basically I have a pile of shapefiles:

1) I upload them all to postgis
2) run a perl script to generate all the datastores XML
3) run a script to generate the featureserver.cfg
4) make a WMS mapfile
5) I haven't looked at the widget or resource creation yet.

so some of the pieces are starting to fall in place.

I hope to have the bdga sample converted into my own project by the end 
of the week.


> Yves
>> Yves Moisan wrote:
>>> L
>>>> Given enough time and money, then sure, we should add a set of more 
>>>> hands-on exercise to complement this more abstract tutorial. The 
>>>> MapServer tutorial is a good example of what we could aim for: 
>>>> http://biometry.gis.umn.edu/tutorial/sections.html
>>>> However, until the resources are available to produce this level of docs 
>>>>   I consider that what you've got is a great start.
>>>> Thanks for you work on this Alexandre.
>>> Agreed !  Thanx for doing that work.
>> Since I raised the question, I would like to give my thanks to Alexandre 
>> also. The Tutorial has improved significantly since I first looked at it.
>> Since I'm new to GeoPrisma and this is my first time through the 
>> tutorial and the fact that I know a lot about the related technologies, 
>> I thought it might prove useful with regards to ways to improve the 
>> "newbie" experience with GeoPrisma. I'll continue to report issues and 
>> successes with the hope that they might prove useful to the team and/or 
>> users in the future that might be searching the archives.
>> So, Alexandre, in case it was not obvious in my flood of issues to the 
>> list, you are doing a great job and I appreciate the tutorial and your 
>> support on and off the list.
>> -Steve W

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