[Geoprisma-dev] The image cannot be displayed

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Thu Feb 4 11:46:01 EST 2010

> Bonjour yves,

Hi Daniel,

> I have seen this error a few times before, but the last time was quite a 
> while ago. If I remember correctly the "... cannot be displayed, because 
> it contains errors" message is produced by Firefox itself because it 
> receives a corrupt image from MapServer (or whatever the remote server is).

Right.  IE just shows an empty thumbnail.
> The image may be corrupt for a few reasons, either it is truncated 
> (server crashed before returning the full image), or it contains some 
> unexpected bytes in the binary data, most likely some error or debug 
> message (caused by a poorly handled error situation in the server). 

I have seen the situation once in a while in GeoPrisma.  Our current
focus is on the curl call done by the proxy.  There's probably something
in the call to MapServer that doesn't make MapServer happy.

> I 
> think a "View Source" on the error page will reveal the contents of the 
> data stream which should contain hints about the source of the problem. 
> If you can't find it yourself, please send me a URL that produces this 
> error and I'll have a look.

If I find a public facing url that does it, I'll send it to the list.  I
encountered the error with MetaCarta's VMAP0, which is known to work
quite well in all the GeoPrisma examples.

Thanx for helping

> Daniel

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