[Geoprisma-dev] Highlight on shortcut

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Mon Feb 22 14:55:46 EST 2010

Hi Folks,

r798 closes a first pass on feature highlighting.  With that commit, the 
ShortCut widget behaves like the InitialView : if an existing vector 
(featureserver) layer exists, it uses that for highlighting, else it 
creates a temporary one.  The way it's implemented is a bit different 
than in InitialView so maybe we'll be due for some code refactoring 
soon.  Also, I'm pretty sure we could do better than create/destroy the 
temps layer on evert zoomTo event triggered by the ShortCut.

Like for the InitialView, highlighting is optional (in the ShortCut 
options in the configuration file).  I changed the 3 config.xml files 
for the ShortCut examples to include highlighting.  Also : the 
unhighlight (or temp vector layer destruction) is triggered on click now 
rather than on moveend both for ShortCut and InitialView.  This allows 
users to zoom in/out and still see the feature highlighted.  I thought 
pan would work too, but it seems the mouse drag ends up as a click so 
panning unhighlights features. 



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