[Geoprisma-dev] Change in a bunch of files

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Wed Jan 6 13:23:17 EST 2010

Alexandre Dube wrote:
> "how to create a new widget" is more for developers too and it's in 
> doc.  I think it would be best to have all important informations stored 
> at one place and my first guess is : the doc.  Should we have a "dev" 
> and "user" doc ?  I guess not...  It wouldn't hurt to have this added to 
> the "download" topic near "svn", as an important notice for those who 
> checkout the svn version...

Maybe it's time to setup a "Committer Guidelines" document that all devs 
will need to read/accept before getting commit rights.

Here is what we've got for MapServer for instance. It does not cover 
coding style and issues such as SVN EOL stuff, but it could:


Daniel Morissette

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