[Geoprisma-users] Progress of sorts :)

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Thu Dec 3 15:14:26 EST 2009

Yves Moisan wrote:
> Hi Stephen,
>> Hi,
>> I am making progress of sorts.
>> http://imaptools.com:8080/project/myproj/

Its working with only the WMS base layer at the moment. One thing I want 
to do is have GYMO base layers in addition to my WMS all layers layer. 
And also be able to have individual WMS overlays for the individual 
layers so they can be put over the GYMO layers.

> I went and tried the url and it took a good while to come.  That's one
> hefty application there right ?  It took a good 4-5 minutes and there
> was an error in the base layer : invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS
> parameter.

The performance is compounded by the fact that upload on the DSL line is 
something like 17k/s and the application is not using compressed JS files.

I would think that this is a typical application with ~10 editable 
layers, but maybe I'm mistaken in that point. Do you guys think this is 
a HUGE application? What to you see your typical target application 
looking like?

I think the performance raises another point about GP that it would be 
nice to have some debugging, logging and profiling tools to help develop 
applications. Things like the mapserver time logs are very helpful for 
tuning mapserver. Also a Doc page on how to optimize your application 
for deployment would be useful.

It would be good to be able to get info about GP timing on:

1) parsing XML
2) generating the application page
3) how proxy requests are translated into server requests

firefox NET thing can tell you how long it takes to load stuff. 
Currently my applications is making 343 requests to load 3.66 MB (3.6 MB 
from cache) in 5m 30s as reported FF.

Yes there are actually 2 error currently:

1) the wms error on the map image

Which turned out that I was using the wrong mapfile! Once I changed the 
mapfile name to the WMS mapfile it worked fine.

2) a javascript error which I think is likely related to the fact that I 
have include all the WFS layers but do not have stylemap information 
defined in the config.xml file yet.

I commented out all the edit feature related stuff and that error is 
gone. Now, I'll have to add it back in and try to figure out what is 

>> This is based on nearly 2500 line config.xml which is not complete yet.
>> Since the bulk of the file is generated from a perl script, it is pretty 
>> easy to make changes to and regenerate.
>> When you move a sample out of the release directory structure and move 
>> it into the tutorial directory structure lots of things break break 
>> because of path issues.

I have worked through most (all?) of these issues in my myproj.

> Maybe you should arrange your project's structure and rely on your own
> version of sample1.xslt or whatever the template file name(s) you use.

I think I am doing this. Is this what you mean:

My project structure is:

woodbri at mappy:/u/geoprisma/projects$ ls -R myproj
config  config.php  core  htdocs  inc  lib  widgets

common.php  config.xml  config.xml-bdga

css  img  index.php  js  proxy.php  xslt


blank.gif                    marker-gold.png          s.gif
cloud-popup-relative.png     marker-green.png         slider.png
drag-rectangle-off.png       marker.png               south-mini.png
drag-rectangle-on.png        measuring-stick-off.png  west-mini.png
east-mini.png                measuring-stick-on.png   zoombar.png
layer-switcher-maximize.png  north-mini.png           zoom-minus-mini.png
layer-switcher-minimize.png  panning-hand-off.png     zoom-plus-mini.png
marker-blue.png              panning-hand-on.png      zoom-world-mini.png




woodbri at mappy:/u/geoprisma/projects$ ls -l myproj/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 woodbri woodbri  144 2009-12-02 23:44 config
-rw-r--r-- 1 woodbri woodbri 2302 2009-12-02 22:29 config.php
lrwxrwxrwx 1 woodbri woodbri   57 2009-12-03 00:09 core -> 
drwxr-xr-x 6 woodbri woodbri  208 2009-12-03 00:56 htdocs
lrwxrwxrwx 1 woodbri woodbri   66 2009-12-03 00:09 inc -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 woodbri woodbri    7 2009-12-03 10:27 lib -> ../lib/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 woodbri woodbri   60 2009-12-03 00:09 widgets -> 

My default.xslt started as a copy of the bdga.xslt and I am changing to 
to work in my directory structure.

> The only thing that changes from time to time in the default
> sample1.xslt file is when we add new widgets.  For the rest, it should
> be relatively stable and changes should be easy to port to your template
> file.  You're working with svn trunk right ?

I am using r728 at the moment. I'll look at updating that to a new 
release shortly.

>> Questions:
>> 1) how do I debug the map requests going through the proxy.php
> I guess you want to know why you get "invalid layer(s) given in the
> LAYERS parameter".  I'll let the programmers answer here ...

It would be great to have some ideas as a user how to debug an 
application that one is trying to build. For example the proxy.php is a

For the GYMO errors, I was using the default GP key, I have to go find 
my local key and install that.


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