[Geoprisma-users] Progress of sorts :)

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Thu Dec 3 08:57:38 EST 2009

Hi Stephen,

> Hi,
> I am making progress of sorts.
> http://imaptools.com:8080/project/myproj/

I went and tried the url and it took a good while to come.  That's one
hefty application there right ?  It took a good 4-5 minutes and there
was an error in the base layer : invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS
> This is based on nearly 2500 line config.xml which is not complete yet.
> Since the bulk of the file is generated from a perl script, it is pretty 
> easy to make changes to and regenerate.
> When you move a sample out of the release directory structure and move 
> it into the tutorial directory structure lots of things break break 
> because of path issues.

Maybe you should arrange your project's structure and rely on your own
version of sample1.xslt or whatever the template file name(s) you use.
The only thing that changes from time to time in the default
sample1.xslt file is when we add new widgets.  For the rest, it should
be relatively stable and changes should be easy to port to your template
file.  You're working with svn trunk right ?

> Questions:
> 1) how do I debug the map requests going through the proxy.php

I guess you want to know why you get "invalid layer(s) given in the
LAYERS parameter".  I'll let the programmers answer here ...


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