[geos-devel] swig module committed to CVS

Sean Gillies sgillies at frii.com
Fri Aug 20 09:33:35 EDT 2004

OK.  Also, if you give me a heads up next time I will check that the 
module is still working.  It's probably broken right now.  Strk's style
of methods prototyped in headers that may or may not be implemented in
the C++ source causes problems for SWIG.  These methods have to be
explicitly ignored in the SWIG interface file.

Congrats on the new release!


On Aug 19, 2004, at 9:53 PM, Paul Ramsey wrote:

> Sean,
> Sorry, I just noticed that the 2.0.0 release is missing the swig 
> stuff. This is because I am using the 'make dist' functionality of our 
> build environment to make the distribution archive. I am going to try 
> and keep doing that, so that cutting a release is dead easy. To get 
> the swig stuff into the next release, we will have to add the 
> appropriate Makefile.am entries to the relevant places... as you can 
> see, I am hand waving. :) I am still feeling my way with the fancy 
> auto* build tools.
> Paul
> Sean Gillies wrote:
>> I've committed the start of a swig interface for GEOS
>> scripting modules.  All the classes in geom.h, io.h, and
>> util.h are wrapped, providing Geometry classes, WKTReader
>> and WKTWriter, and the GEOSExceptions.
>> Code examples for using it can be found in the unit tests
>> under swig/python/tests/cases.
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