[geos-devel] Buffer op - end cap styles

Ben Supnik bsupnik at xsquawkbox.net
Wed Jan 31 11:23:59 EST 2007

Hi Y'all,

I am now using the GEOS buffer op and am VERY excited about it.  My own 
implementation of straight skeleton isn't robust, but the GOES buffer op 
worked the first time. :-)

A few questions:

I tried changing the cap style to round but I see no change.  Is there 
something basic I'm missing?

geos::operation::buffer::BufferOp bufOp(poly);
geos::geom::Geometry * buf = bufOp.getResultGeometry(
	-30.0 * MTR_TO_NM * NM_TO_DEG_LAT);

(The code is written using a buffer op object because I was trying to 
eliminate wrapper layers as possible causes of the wrong end-cap style.)

Also, how can I compile a debug build of GEOS?  Are there flags in the 
configure file for this?  I'd like to be able to break within the lib in 
gdb.  (I am compiling on Mac OS X using the std unix configure file.)

Finally, would it be algorithmically possible to modify the buffer 
operation to buffer different line segments by different amounts, or 
does the algorithm require uniform buffering?


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