[geos-devel] testrunner fail

Gilles Bassière gilles.bassiere at makina-corpus.com
Tue Oct 23 09:11:49 EDT 2007

Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> Gilles Bassière wrote:
>> [...]
>> Geos is compiled with "--enable-python" and "--disable-inline" options,
>> I also set a custom "--prefix".
> Could you try to build without --disable-inline and see if it changes
> anything?
> Cheers
Hi Mateusz,

Thanks for help. I tried your solution and also dropped the Python 
option as I don't really need it. After compilation, Geos passed all 
tests ("make check" ok). I proceed with postgis upgrade :

make clean
make install
psql -d topo -f share/lwpostgis_upgrade.sql

Unfortunately, I still have a Fatal error in PostGIS when using 
LineMerge() :

topo=> SELECT nom_rue, astext(LineMerge(Collect(wkb_geometry)))
topo-> FROM route
topo-> GROUP BY nom_rue
topo-> HAVING nom_rue IS NOT NULL;
server closed the connection unexpectedly
        This probably means the server terminated abnormally
        before or while processing the request.
The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Succeeded.

So, the only progress is the Postgres' "Attempting reset" success (with 
--disable-inline, the error message ended with "Attempting reset: Failed.")

Postgres' log give me the following error message:

al] SELECT: CoordinateArraySequence.cpp:105: virtual const 
geos::geom::CoordinateArraySequence::getAt(size_t) const: Assertion 
`pos<vect->size()' failed.

I'm wondering whether it's a good idea to rely on geos 3.0. On the one 
hand, I use GeoDjango which only works when linked against geos 3.0, on 
the other hand I use postgis, qgis and many others that require a stable 
background... Would it be possible to install geos 2.2.3 as the default 
geos and build the 3.0.0 RC version only for apps that really require 
it? Any hints?

Gilles Bassiere
30 rue des Jeuneurs
FR-75011 PARIS

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