[geos-devel] testrunner fail

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Tue Oct 23 10:13:52 EDT 2007

Gilles Bassière wrote:
> Mateusz Loskot wrote:
>> Gilles Bassière wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> Geos is compiled with "--enable-python" and "--disable-inline" options,
>>> I also set a custom "--prefix".
>> Could you try to build without --disable-inline and see if it changes
>> anything?
>> Cheers
> Hi Mateusz,
> Thanks for help. I tried your solution and also dropped the Python
> option as I don't really need it. After compilation, Geos passed all
> tests ("make check" ok). I proceed with postgis upgrade :
> make clean
> make
> make install
> ldconfig
> psql -d topo -f share/lwpostgis_upgrade.sql
> Unfortunately, I still have a Fatal error in PostGIS when using
> LineMerge() :
> topo=> SELECT nom_rue, astext(LineMerge(Collect(wkb_geometry)))
> topo-> FROM route
> topo-> GROUP BY nom_rue
> topo-> HAVING nom_rue IS NOT NULL;
> server closed the connection unexpectedly
>        This probably means the server terminated abnormally
>        before or while processing the request.
> The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Succeeded.
> So, the only progress is the Postgres' "Attempting reset" success (with
> --disable-inline, the error message ended with "Attempting reset: Failed.")
> Postgres' log give me the following error message:
> al] SELECT: CoordinateArraySequence.cpp:105: virtual const
> geos::geom::Coordinate&
> geos::geom::CoordinateArraySequence::getAt(size_t) const: Assertion
> `pos<vect->size()' failed.


Yes, this looks suspiciously. I will try to add LineMerge to unit tests
over this week and see if general test cases will work or not.

> I'm wondering whether it's a good idea to rely on geos 3.0. On the one
> hand, I use GeoDjango which only works when linked against geos 3.0, on
> the other hand I use postgis, qgis and many others that require a stable
> background... Would it be possible to install geos 2.2.3 as the default
> geos and build the 3.0.0 RC version only for apps that really require
> it? Any hints?

Yes, it would be possible, but you will need to configure environment
for applications separately by setting different value of LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Mateusz Loskot

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