[geos-devel] [Fwd: [Boost-users] [boost] Formal Review: Boost.Polygon starts today August 24, 2009]

Barend Gehrels Barend.Gehrels at geodan.nl
Fri Aug 28 07:31:05 EDT 2009

Hartmut Kaiser wrote:
> FWIW, there will be a second Boost library review soon: GGL (Generic
> Geometry Library, here: http://trac.osgeo.org/ggl/), which is yet another
> project currently hosted by OSGEO. GGL is much larger than BP, more similar
> to GEOS (full SFS geometry, etc.). The comparing measurement I saw tend to
> show GGL being even than everything else, for instance:
>> 100 points per ellipse, with area check:
>> -> geos:     resulting area: 69.68616316800, time:  13.641 seconds
>> -> ggl:      resulting area: 69.68616316800, time:   1.156 seconds
>> -> gpc:      resulting area: 69.68616316800, time:   9.297 seconds
>> -> polygon:  resulting area: 69.68616202400, time: 108.563 seconds
>> -> terralib: resulting area: 69.68616316800, time:   4.672 seconds
The figures which were listed here were actually not yet sent to any 
list before, but were intended to. Since yesterday they are in the GGL 
Wiki on the performance page: http://trac.osgeo.org/ggl/wiki/Performance

Regards, Barend Gehrels

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