[geos-devel] GIT repo url updated

Sandro Santilli strk at kbt.io
Sun Dec 17 04:42:49 PST 2017

Following an upgrade of OSGeo GIT hostign services technology
from Gogs to Gitea [1] the official GEOS git repository URL
changed to:


Assuming your official remote is called "origin", you can update its
url running the following command from within your clone:

  git config remote.origin.url https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/geos/geos.git

You can replace "origin" with whatever it is called.

Or, if you feel adventurous, you may try the following, which works
for any other repository you may be tracking from the OSGeo git hosting

  sed -i 's|/gogs/|/gitea/|' .git/config

NOTE: redirects are in place so there's no rush to do this, just be


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