[geos-devel] Inconsistent result of "intersection" function

ritesh.s at intech-dmls.in ritesh.s at intech-dmls.in
Tue Jul 23 22:48:43 PDT 2019



Thanks for quick reply, here I am attaching the sample code we have created for interaction function





From: geos-devel <geos-devel-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> On Behalf Of Martin Davis
Sent: 23 July 2019 22:54
To: GEOS Development List <geos-devel at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [geos-devel] Inconsistent result of "intersection" function


It would be easier to see what is going on if you post some code that reproduces the problem.



On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 3:35 AM <ritesh.s at intech-dmls.in <mailto:ritesh.s at intech-dmls.in> > wrote:


We are created polygon and line. After performing the intersection function we are getting different values. 

This is the sample code we have implemented using GEOS API (GEOS 3.7.2) .

       Rect = c1.createPolygon(10.78, 10.34, 18.89, 16.64);


      line = c1.makeLine(10.78 , 12.34 ,18.89 , 12.34);


      point = Rect->intersection (line)


1. If given line lies on the polygon we are getting the Expected result.


Input: Polygon(10.78, 10.34, 18.89, 16.64);

Input:  makeLine (10.78 , 12.34 ,18.89 , 12.34)

Current  Output from intersection API :  (10.78 , 12.34) (18.89 , 12.34)

Expected Output :  (10.78 , 12.34) (18.89 , 12.34)


2.  If given line lies away the polygon we are getting the different result.

Input:  makeLine (8.78 , 12.34 ,20.89 , 12.34)

Current  Output from intersection API:    (11 , 12.3.4) (19 , 12.34)

Expected Output :  (10.78 , 12.34) (18.89 , 12.34)


Can you please suggest why this behaviour diffrence is there in API output.

Please let me know any additional information needed from my side.




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