[geos-devel] [GEOS] #988: Doxygen error check with cmake build

GEOS geos-trac at osgeo.org
Sun Sep 15 22:32:39 PDT 2019

#988: Doxygen error check with cmake build
 Reporter:  nila                   |       Owner:  geos-devel@…
     Type:  enhancement            |      Status:  new
 Priority:  major                  |   Milestone:
Component:  Build/Install (cmake)  |     Version:  master
 Severity:  Unassigned             |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                         |

Comment (by strk):

 I'm ok to ignore 'not documented' errors via Doxygen flags, if supported
 by Doxygen 1.2.15.
 I used the grep because it was guaranteed to work w/out having to do too
 much research...
 Error out on warning would only be possible when all warnings are fixed, I
 was going there incrementally

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/geos/ticket/988#comment:3>
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