[geos-devel] Drop SWIG bindings

Paul Ramsey pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Wed Nov 25 14:29:38 PST 2020

I think +1 to dropping all swig also. Seems like the world has moved on.

> On Nov 25, 2020, at 2:13 PM, Regina Obe <lr at pcorp.us> wrote:
> +1 to Option two - Drop Python and Ruby SWIG.
> I agree I think most Python users digest their GEOS via Shapely.  It's
> better to have one very supported interface than confuse users with 2 one of
> which is not maintained.
> As far as Ruby -- I'll just take your word for It on that one.  I've never
> used Ruby except for the asci doctor bit.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: geos-devel [mailto:geos-devel-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of
>> Mike Taves
>> Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2020 4:37 PM
>> To: geos-devel at lists.osgeo.org
>> Subject: [geos-devel] Drop SWIG bindings
>> Hi all,
>> SWIG bindings have existed as part of the core GEOS library since early
>> development, however they have not received much attention in many
>> years.
>> I've (quickly) prepared two options for consideration:
>> Option one: Drop Python SWIG bindings
>> https://github.com/mwtoews/geos/pull/1
>> This keeps the SWIG interface for Ruby bindings, which is packed by
>> (e.g.) Ubuntu; see https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/ruby/ruby-geos
>> However, it drops the unsupported Python 2 SWIG bindings. Python users
>> can use either Shapely or PyGEOS.
>> Option two: Drop SWIG bindings, including for Ruby and Python
>> https://github.com/mwtoews/geos/pull/2
>> This drops the whole SWIG interface.
>> Note that Ruby users can access GEOS bindings via RGeo
>> https://github.com/rgeo/rgeo, which has a steady history of active
>> contributions; see https://github.com/rgeo/rgeo/graphs/contributors
>> Another idea is to move the SWIG Ruby bindings into a separate repo,
> similar
>> to php-geos https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/geos/php-geos, however this would
>> require a volunteer to step in.
>> Any thoughts to either proposal? And if so, whether this should happen
>> before or after the next release?
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