[geos-devel] Checking GEOS master (state 8 October)

Roger Bivand Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Tue Oct 13 11:40:21 PDT 2020

On Tue, 13 Oct 2020, Paul Ramsey wrote:


Thanks, never Cmake here, am trying ../configure --enable-overlayng. I'm 
still puzzled about the free output to console not going through the error 
or warning handler.


> P
>> On Oct 13, 2020, at 11:23 AM, Roger Bivand <Roger.Bivand at nhh.no> wrote:
>> On Tue, 13 Oct 2020, Paul Ramsey wrote:
>>>> On Oct 13, 2020, at 11:08 AM, Roger Bivand <Roger.Bivand at nhh.no> wrote:
>>>> I've been checking the possible fallout from Overlay_NG (assuming that building from master on 8 October uses the new code) in some R packages, in particular sf and rgeos. I see messages such as:
>>>> CBR: result (after common-bits addition) is INVALID: Self-intersection at or near point 368576.69999999995 864696 (368576.69999999995343 864696)
>>> That looks like the old overlay handler. Have you turned NG on in your build?
>> Thanks for the quick response. First, is "master" the correct branch (gitea)? If yes, what is the incantation - I couldn't find any reference to NG in the code or configure.ac? I'd assumed from earlier discussion here that NG was on by default on "master".
>> Roger
>>> P
>>>> followed by the text representation of the object dumped to console. The message and the dumped object are not passed through error or warning handlers passed in through initGEOS_r(), and so are hard to trap and handle. Is this a temporary feature which will be normalised for 3.9.0?
>>>> So far I don't think that there are obvious failures in R packages related to the new code (again assuming that a straight build of master of 8 November exercises Overlay_NG), but the unexpected output was surprising.
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> Roger
>>>> --
>>>> Roger Bivand
>>>> Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics,
>>>> Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway.
>>>> voice: +47 55 95 93 55; e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
>>>> https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2392-6140
>>>> https://scholar.google.no/citations?user=AWeghB0AAAAJ&hl=en
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>> --
>> Roger Bivand
>> Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics,
>> Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway.
>> voice: +47 55 95 93 55; e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
>> https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2392-6140
>> https://scholar.google.no/citations?user=AWeghB0AAAAJ&hl=en

Roger Bivand
Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics,
Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway.
voice: +47 55 95 93 55; e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no

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