[geos-devel] 3.10.0beta2

Greg Troxel gdt at lexort.com
Wed Oct 6 16:23:56 PDT 2021

Paul Ramsey <pramsey at cleverelephant.ca> writes:

> I found the relevant CMake line, and only the unit tests should be ending
> up with a link dependency to pthreads. So don't declare the library itself
> as having a pthread dependency. (Maybe next release, when we get all jiggy
> with multi-threaded performance work, ha ha ha)
> P
> --- from cmakelists.txt
> find_package(Threads)
> target_link_libraries(test_geos_unit PRIVATE geos geos_c Threads::Threads)

Interesting.  I wonder if the tests should avoid threads if the library
isn't built with threads.

It seems obvious (maybe I'm wrong) that if a library is not built with
threads, then a threaded program that uses it must ensure that only one
library call is happening at any given time, either by calling it only
from one specific thread, or having a "call into geos" mutex.

I found that the geos library did get linked with -lpthread.  I will
reproduce that and see if I can figure out why, after moving to rc3.

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