[geos-devel] 3.10.0rc1 (static)

Paul Ramsey pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Fri Oct 15 11:20:01 PDT 2021

> On Oct 15, 2021, at 10:26 AM, Paul Ramsey <pramsey at cleverelephant.ca> wrote:
>> On Oct 15, 2021, at 8:20 AM, Roger Bivand <Roger.Bivand at nhh.no> wrote:
>> Good. I moved libryu.a to the installed lib64 directory and added -lryu to the g++ command, and there immediate failure is gone. I added libtinyxlm2.a too, because it was in the lib build directory. Adding -lryu and -lstdc++ to geos-config manually for --static-cclibs and --static-clibs permits the full check of the rgeos package to succeed. But please double-check, these are tricks I'm not at all familiar with.
> I see that when building in non-dynamic mode cmake also links the test binaries by separately adding the libgeos.a and libryu.a libraries, so it might be that "do that" is the final answer.
> You should not need to add libtinyxml2.a to your link line, since it's only used by the xml test program, not by any of the library functionality.

OK, this is coming directly out of https://trac.osgeo.org/geos/ticket/1103

If I go back to using an "OBJECT" library in building ryu, then it gets bundled right up into libgeos.a where we want it, and your link line is nice and simple again. That implies a minimum cmake of 3.13, whcih is 3+ years old now. My macports gives me 3.21 by default. I dunno, we backed out of the OBJECT library to STATIC to keep the cmake requirement low, but that implies generating two static libs and sticking them both on the link line.

I'm inclined to bias towards a newer cmake and still generating one static library. 


> P.

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