[geotk] [Newbie] Coordinate heading + transformation

Sam B totalsam at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 18 03:43:59 EDT 2009


Thank you very much for reading my post. I am really new to Geotoolkit and to GIS as well, but I have to write a piece of code using GPS coordinates and dealing with maps.

I have two questions. Firstly, I would like to calculate the heading, given two coordinates in X-Y-Z format, WGS84. Is it a way to do this with Geotk ?

And in a second time, I would need to transform the X-Y-Z coordinate into two different formats : latitude/longitude expressed in degrees (I don't really care about altitude) and latitude/longitude expressed in X-Y format (in meters for example).

Could someone give me some hints on how to do it ?

Thank you very much !


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