[geotk] [Newbie] Coordinate heading + transformation

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Tue Aug 18 04:03:35 EDT 2009

Hello and welcome Sam

Sam B a écrit :
> I have two questions. Firstly, I would like to calculate the heading, 
> given two coordinates in X-Y-Z format, WGS84. Is it a way to do this 
> with Geotk ?

I'm not sure which X-Y-Z format you are talking about, since there is two 

1) Is it a geocentric Coordinate Reference System (CRS)? I means one
    with the origin at the center of the Earth like this picture:


2) Or is it a projected CRS, one where (X,Y) coordinates are horizontal
    and the Z coordinate is vertical, all of them in metres (or some
    other linear unit)?

The step depends in which one of those two cases you are.


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