[geotk] [Newbie] Image download and polygon drawing

theuns theunsheydenrych at gmail.com
Mon Aug 24 10:31:44 EDT 2009

Hi Sam
I think the answer is yes.
Johann can maybe just confirm it later on, because he is on a much
deserved break.

In the class ProjectedGeometry is a method getDisplayShape(), and the
result from that method is a java.awt.Shape.
This shape is the later drawn by the implementation of the abstract
paintGeometry() method in the subclassed class of the
AbstractGeometryDecoration class.
So in short the last thing that is drawn on the canvas is a

Hope this helped.  

On Mon, 2009-08-24 at 16:05 +0200, Sam B wrote:
> Sorry to ask again, but before starting to implement using
> Geotoolkit's renderer, I just would like to make sure that it is
> compatible with Graphics2D.
> I already have a part of my GUI designed, using affinetransforms, and
> I just would like to make sure that I still will be able to use it
> with the objects from go2-engine.
> As I saw in the source code (geotoolkit-pending), there are some
> allusions to Graphics 2D, so I guess the answer to my question is
> "yes", but could someone kindly confirm ?
> Thank you very much in advance and best regards,
> Sam
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