[geotk] [Newbie] Image download and polygon drawing

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Tue Aug 25 03:54:29 EDT 2009

Hello Sam

Sam B a écrit :
> Could someone be good enough to let me see his/her pom.xml file ?
> I am not able to download the files from maven.... Which command to 
> issue ? mvn install ?

If you means the pom.xml file for a project that use Geotoolkit, there is one there:


The key parts is:

     <name>GeoToolkit repository</name>

I suggest that you replace SNAPSHOT version by some stable version (latest is 
3.02), and you may needs to add more repository for downloading dependencies. 
The <geotoolkit.version> is just defined so that you have a common place where 
to declare


in yours <dependencies> section.

Hope thi help


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