[geotk] Compiling Coverage IO module geotoolkit

theuns theunsheydenrych at gmail.com
Thu Jul 2 08:14:23 EDT 2009

The message i get when compiling the Coverage I/O with maven is: 
package com.sun.media.imageio.stream does not exist

Here is what i did:
1. Downloaded jai_imageio-1_1-lib-linux-amd64-jdk.bin from
2. Downloaded jai-1_1_3-lib-linux-amd64-jdk.bin from

3. Followed the install instructions from the website, and only the
jai-1_1_3-lib-linux-amd64-jdk.bin installed correctly, the other one
give errors like "tail +245" errors. I googled the errors and came upon
a thread, where the one guy , changed the extention to a .zip file and
the copied the files into the correct directory. So that what i did.

I browsed the jar files that was provided by the JAI downloads and could
not find com.sun.media.imageio.stream, so is this class in the JAI
stuff, or somewhere else?

Any help would be appreciated.

Here is a ls of the directories on my machine in the JRE.

theuns at theuns-laptop:/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_14/jre/lib/ext$ ls
clibwrapper_jiio.jar  jai_codec.jar  jai_imageio.jar  meta-index
dnsns.jar             jai_core.jar   localedata.jar
mlibwrapper_jai.jar  sunpkcs11.jar

theuns at theuns-laptop:/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_14/jre/lib$ ls amd64/
headless         libcmm.so          libinstrument.so
libjava_crw_demo.so   libjpeg.so        libmlib_jai.so        libnpt.so
jli              libdcpr.so         libioser12.so
libjavaplugin_jni.so  libjsig.so        libnative_chmod_g.so  librmi.so
jvm.cfg          libdeploy.so       libj2gss.so       libjava.so
libjsoundalsa.so  libnative_chmod.so    libsaproc.so
native_threadstheuns at theuns-laptop:/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_14/jre/lib$ ls
headless         libcmm.so          libinstrument.so
libjava_crw_demo.so   libjpeg.so        libmlib_jai.so        libnpt.so
jli              libdcpr.so         libioser12.so
libjavaplugin_jni.so  libjsig.so        libnative_chmod_g.so  librmi.so
jvm.cfg          libdeploy.so       libj2gss.so       libjava.so
libjsoundalsa.so  libnative_chmod.so    libsaproc.so
libattach.so     libdt_socket.so    libj2pcsc.so      libjawt.so
libjsound.so      libnet.so             libsplashscreen.so  server
libawt.so        libfontmanager.so  libj2pkcs11.so    libJdbcOdbc.so
libmanagement.so  libnio.so             libunpack.so        xawt
libclib_jiio.so  libhprof.so        libjaas_unix.so   libjdwp.so
libmlib_image.so  libnpjp2.so           libverify.so

libattach.so     libdt_socket.so    libj2pcsc.so      libjawt.so
libjsound.so      libnet.so             libsplashscreen.so  server
libawt.so        libfontmanager.so  libj2pkcs11.so    libJdbcOdbc.so
libmanagement.so  libnio.so             libunpack.so        xawt
libclib_jiio.so  libhprof.so        libjaas_unix.so   libjdwp.so
libmlib_image.so  libnpjp2.so           libverify.so

Theuns Heydenrych


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