[Geotoolkit] GeographicMetadata

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Fri May 15 04:39:10 EDT 2009

Felipe Quintella Correia a écrit :
> when I try to create the GridCoverage2D itself, using a 
> GridCoverageFactory and the method create(String, WritableRaster, 
> Envelope), I get a IllegalAccessError being thrown.

Most throwables ending in "Error" rather than "Exception" are compilation 
issues, or an issue related to the JAR on the classpath.

How is setup your project? Is it a Maven project? Do you build Geotoolkit 
yourself or do you download the JAR? Do you run your project from your IDE or 
from the command line and with which classpath?


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