[Geotoolkit] Re: Migration to Geotoolkit

Vincent Heurteaux vincent.heurteaux at geomatys.fr
Thu May 21 03:30:00 EDT 2009

Hi Jerry,

Thank's for your interest !

Geotoolkit mailing list has been kindly setup by OSGEO, for those who  
may be interrested:


I guess it would be more helpful for you to reach the geotoolkit  
community through the mailling list, they'll help you to start playing  
with it.

In a near future we will create tutorials to help people to start more  
easily with the toolkit.



Le 20 mai 09 à 21:27, Jerry Schultz a écrit :

> Vincent,
> I am very interested in developing with Geotoolkit. I have only  
> recently begun work with GeoTools and have the beginnings of a  
> working environment. However, I am very, very frustrated in trying  
> to determine what sample code works with what version. Deprecation  
> is driving me crazy and I can't seem to get something clean that I  
> can build on. This is when I ran into your emails and the new  
> website on GeoToolkit. In principal it sounds fantastic. However  
> when I try to take a simple MapViewer, ShapeLab or any simple code  
> that will symbolize a couple of shapefiles in a JMapPanel I am left  
> wondering how any normal developer will ever use your much improved  
> code-base without a couple simple examples?? Do you have any plans  
> to post an example to get started? Any comments are appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Jerry Schultz

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