[geotk] EPSG database and JavaDB/Derby

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Thu Oct 8 16:54:40 EDT 2009

Hello Jon

Jon Blower a écrit :
> Thanks for the very helpful information.  I grabbed the
> epsg.properties file from a GeoTools distribution, and put it in my
> source tree under org/geotoolkit/referencing/factory/espg.  I still
> get jdbc/derby connection errors when trying to instantiate EPSG:4326.
>  I've checked that the epsg.properties file ends up correctly in the
> WEB-INF/classes folder.  I haven't put the properties file in a
> separate jar but I don't think this should matter.
> Am I doing something wrong?

Everything seems right to me... (by the way, I just completed a FAQ entry for 
this topic: http://www.geotoolkit.org/modules/referencing/faq.html#embedded )

Could you post the error message that you get please?


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