[geotk] Re: [Geoapi-devel] JSR-275 (Units of measurement) rejected by the JCP

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Sun Mar 14 04:53:41 EDT 2010

Hello Paul

Thanks for your feedback.

Le 13/03/10 11:46, Paul Selormey a écrit :
> I really do not see how this becomes an issue for GeoAPI, which in my
> opinion is only defining interfaces - I may be wrong!

You are right, GeoAPI is only about interfaces. But it tries to reuse existing 
classes when something exist in standard Java. The javax.measure.unit.Unit was 
though to be a standard candidate...

> OpenGIS has specifications or recommendations for measurements, so why
> not just put this in and leave the implementations to others?

It was for pratical raisons. "Units of measure" frameworks are typically 
developped in non-geospatial projects (e.g. JScience, ICU4J, or integrated right 
into the language like Curl or F#), and those projects are not likely to 
implement GeoAPI interfaces. If we define a Unit interface in GeoAPI, projects 
like Geotoolkit.org or GeoTools would need to create wrappers from this 
interface to whatever implementation they use.

However I admit that it may be the safest approach despite the slight 


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