[geotk] Illegal argument: uom

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Wed Mar 17 13:10:01 EDT 2010

Hello Robert

Thanks for reporting this issue. Could you post the stack trace, if available? 
If it was also possible to post a small XML fragment which reproduce the 
problem, it would also be useful.



Le 17/03/10 17:30, Robert Csok a écrit :
> Dear Sir or Madam,
> while unmarshalling an ISO 19115 document I got the following exception: "IllegalArgumentException: Illegal argument: "uom=http://standards.iso.org/[...]"".
> The exception was caused by org.geotoolkit.internal.jaxb.uom.Measure.setUOM() during the call to Units.valueOf() (Measure.java: line 134).
> I am using geotk-SNAPSHOT from March. I think I haven't had such a problem with older Geotoolkit versions. According to ISO 19118 the attribute "uom" is allowed to contain any URI string. How can I go around this problem?
> Yours faithfully,
> Robert Csok

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