[geotk] RE:Unmarshalling XML into ISO Objects (Russ Baker)

Russ Baker Russ.Baker at noaa.gov
Thu Feb 3 11:35:55 EST 2011

Hello Martin,

If you look at the XML that I provided, there are a number of attributes 
(e.g. "uuid," "codeList" and "codeListValue") that I do not know how to 
access. Those values will change depending upon the record, and what I 
would like to do in addition to testing the values of the elements 
"individualName," "organisationName," etc... is to test the values of 
those attributes.

So how would I go about testing those attribute values?

Thank you,

Russ Baker

"These days, we are constantly reminded of the unspeakable acts of violence and damage we can inflict upon one another, not just with our actions, but also with our irresponsible words."
"We're better than this. We must do better."

Scott Kelly brother-in-law to Gabrielle Giffords

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