[geotk] Controlling the derby database location

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Thu Aug 2 10:30:37 PDT 2012

Hello Sampo

Le 02/08/12 19:17, Sampo Savolainen a écrit :
> First of all, thanks for your efforts in providing a quality toolkit 
> for geospatial processing!

> I would like to include a pre-built EPSG derby database with builds of 
> our application. Optimally, the database would be available in the 
> classpath of the process.
> Is there any way to control where geotoolkit looks for the database? 
> And, for creating the pre-packaging process, to control where it's 
> created.
One possible approach is to configure at the application startup time 
like below:

DataSource ds = ...; // Connection parameter to the EPSG database
Hints.putSystemDefault(Hints.EPSG_DATA_SOURCE, ds);

> On a related note, I've two cases where MathTransform.transform() fail 
> (all transforms for a pair of CRSs result in the same point). In both 
> cases there was no previous derby database and the process initialized 
> the database at runtime. There were no concurrent threads  accessing 
> the MathTransform objects. This is with Java 6 and using geotk version 
> 3.19-geoapi-3.0.
Do you have a test case that reproduce the problem, or a stack trace?

Please let me know if you have any additional issue,


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