[geotk] geotk-referencing and metadata Citations

Emmanuel Blondel emmanuel.blondel1 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 26 10:22:55 PST 2014

Hi, recently i've switched from Geotk 4.0-M2 to 4.x-SNAPSHOT.
I've got a problem in retrieving data:
- it seems the dependency geotk-metadata is missing in geotk-referencing 
dependencies - see http://pastebin.com/jBHRJPJP
- i've then try to add geotk-metadata module in my pom.xml, but i got 
the same error, and indeed if i look to the maven deps, the Citations 
class is (still) under org.geotoolkit.metadata.iso.citation namespace, 
while the code indicates "org.geotoolkit.metadata" namespace.

Is there anything useful here for fixes?

Thanks in advance

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