[geotk] Issue with WMTS WebMapTileClient

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.com
Mon Dec 21 10:04:44 PST 2015

Hello Sebastian

There is some explanation about the current situation with GeoAPI


    *GeoAPI* is a project owned by OGC. The official GeoAPI release is
    GeoAPI 3.0 (http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/geoapi).


    *GeoTools* uses an older GeoAPI version (2./something/) which was a
    milestone that didn't go through the OGC approval process.
    Furthermore GeoTools forked those GeoAPI interfaces in their own
    source code repository (which is okay), but without renaming
    "org.opengis" into their own domain space (which is problematic
    since the "org.opengis" namespace is owned by OGC, not by GeoTools).


    *Apache SIS* official releases use the official GeoAPI 3.0
    interfaces. So the trunk (not the branches) of Apache SIS is
    standard-compliant in this aspect.


    *Geotk* uses GeoAPI 3.1 milestones. So Geotk is not compliant with
    GeoAPI 3.0 official release neither. However we now define the Geotk
    project as a "sandbox" for both Apache SIS and GeoAPI: we try to
    develop GeoAPI 3.1 and 4.0 inside OGC and use the Geotk project as a
    way to test the proposed interfaces. Geotk classes considered stable
    enough are then migrated to Apache SIS, where the trunk is always
    kept standard-compliant.

We are aware that this is a messy situation. Both GeoTools and Geotk
projects contribute to this situation since none of them use the
standard GeoAPI 3.0 interfaces. We try to resolve this issue in a number
of way:

  * By moving as much Geotk code as we can to Apache SIS, which is and
    will always be standard compliant (on trunk). Unfortunately this is
    a slow process.
  * By trying to reboot the GeoAPI Standard Working Group at OGC. The
    GeoTools community is welcome to participate if they wish.

If the meantime, if you really need to have Geotk and GeoTools to
cohabit, this may be possible (but uneasy) by using a ClassLoader trick.
Please let us know if you wish to explore that path.



Le 21/12/15 16:35, johann sorel a écrit :
> Hello sebastian,
> Mixing geotools and geotoolkit is a bad idea,
> geotools duplicates some very old classes from the Geoapi project and
> geotoolkit uses the most up to date Geoapi.
> High chances your problem comes from this.
> If luckily you have some influence on geotools, please tell them to
> stop making hard copies of geoapi classes, this isn't the first time
> developers encounter this problem.
> Beside, geotoolkit has a geojson feature store, so you should be able
> to replace it.
> Johann Sorel

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