[geotk] Broken https and incorrect/expiring certs

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.com
Wed Apr 6 01:34:30 PDT 2016

Hello Alex

I realize that the similarity between the two project names is
unfortunate. In part for fixing that mistake (but also for other
reasons), we are slowly moving large part of Geotk content to the Apache
Foundation in http://sis.apache.org/. Geotk itself will become a kind of
sandbox where we develop some experiments faster than what we can do in
Apache SIS (but with less commitment on API stability). Then when a
Geotk content is considered mature enough and its dependencies have
already been ported to SIS, we migrate that content to SIS.

We already migrated the metadata module (ISO 19115) to SIS 0.6. Most of
the referencing module will be in SIS 0.7 (hopefully released at the end
of this month).



Le 06/04/16 08:59, Alexis Manin a écrit :
> HI,
> I'm sorry, but Geotoolkit and Geotools are two different
> organizations. Geotoolkit is a fork totally independant from Geotools
> from about a decade now.
> Also, it looks to be a problem related directly to OSGeo. We cannot
> help you here ! You should try to contact them directly :
> http://www.osgeo.org/contact
> Regards,
> 2016-04-06 5:33 GMT+02:00 Alex Lake <alake at palantir.com
> <mailto:alake at palantir.com>>:
>     Hello,
>     I am having issues accessing:
>     https://download.osgeo.org/webdav/geotools/ (and
>     https://download.osgeo.org/)
>     HTTP works fine, but not HTTPS. HTTPS appears to run into an SSL
>     protocol error.
>     https://www.geotools.org/ serves a cert with *.osgeo.org
>     <http://osgeo.org> as the common name. This cert would work for
>     download.osgeo.org <http://download.osgeo.org>, so it looks like
>     all the pieces are in place to enable https.
>     Is there a chance someone could fix SSL for download.osgeo.org
>     <http://download.osgeo.org>?
>     Thanks!
>     I also noticed the following:
>     1. geotools.org <http://geotools.org> does not appear in the
>     Common Name or the Subject Alternate Name for the cert referenced
>     above, thus this cert cannot be used to verify the identity of
>     www.geotools.org <http://www.geotools.org>
>     2. The cert referenced above expires Sunday, May 1, 2016, which is
>     in less than a month
>     Alex

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